NMT Miner's Market Food Pantry
A Food Pantry for NMT Students
Food Pantry exists to mitigate food insecurity.
Food Insecurity is defined by the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as “limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods, or a limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways.”
For NMT, it is a situation in which a student lacks access to enough nutritious food for a healthy, active life. It can be linked to negative student outcomes in physical and mental health, financial and housing insecurity and educational attainment.
To receive food, NMT students must complete a survey every new student must fill out
this Intake Survey. After completing the survey. Upon completion of the survey students
are required to come in person to choose their items each week.
You will find the link to the survey by hitting the (+) in this section
Location & Hours of Operation
How to Help
Additional Resources